
Sedona Tanning at NAMTI Spa

Spray tanning is a safe, fast, easy & affordable way to glow without harmful rays from the sun. We use a Norvell spray gun mist to finely tan your body. Norvell uses naturally derived and organic ingredients, Vio-7 or a blend of botanicals and it is Gluten Free | Paraben Free | Cruelty-Free | Sulfate Free | Non-Comedogenic | 100% Vegan-natural, vegan, paraben-free and boasts a 35SPF. Norvell’s Ordonone® technology helps eliminate common sunless tanning odor while multiple shades of bronzers enhance your tan. As everyone’s body chemistry is different the color will vary and you can add layers to get your desired look. You can expect your tan to last 3-7 days or more and know that the more often you exfoliate the faster it leaves. Sessions start at $45.

UV Tanning – Ultraviolet rays stimulate skin cells to produce melanin, the pigment that makes your skin tan. 15-minute sessions $20

We also offer tan to you! The travel fees are $15/Per 1-3 clients, and $12/per 4+ clients, with a max of $60 in travel fees for locations up to 15mins away and $80 for locations 15-30mins away.
We do not often have an available tan tech so please EMAIL to book off-site sessions well in advance.

namti-spa-spray-tanning-sedona-tanSpray Tanning FAQs

  • When BOOKING, please state whether you prefer Light, Medium or Dark tan.
  • For best results, exfoliate before your session and focus on the driest areas — elbows, knees, hands, feet and the backs of your ankles.
  • Try to avoid waxing or other spa treatments the day of your spray tan.
  • The day of your spray tan, don’t use moisturizers unless they are specifically formulated for sunless tanning (i.e., oil free).
  • Avoid wearing perfumes, deodorant or makeup that can create a barrier for absorption.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes such as boots, socks or tights, which may rub off some of the spray tan and cause uneven results.
  • Wear dark, loose-fitting clothes. If possible, wear nail polish. Even if your nail polish is clear coat, it will help protect your nails from discoloration.
  • Once you’re set up disrobe to your level of comfort. If you choose not to spray tan nude, wear a swimsuit or undergarment that you don’t mind possibly staining.
  • Be sure to remove all jewelry and wear a protective hair cap.
  • Barrier cream is an important element for prepping your spray tan. Apply a light layer of the cream in areas where skin tends to be rougher — hands, fingers, elbows, knees, feet, toes and the sides of your feet. Don’t forget to apply to your cuticles, as well. These areas tend to soak up more spray solution.
  • Avoid the following for the defined time period: Bathing, swimming and activities that make you sweat heavily: At least 6-8 hours.
  • Avoid Chlorine: Swimming in chlorinated pools will quickly break down your spray tan. We suggest avoiding entirely, if possible.
  • Moisturize daily with a post-sunless product. Beware: Drugstore lotions may contain oils and other ingredients that can shorten the life of your spray tan.
  • Avoid body washes that contain harsh soaps, exfoliants or oils. These ingredients can also shorten the life of your tan. We recommend using soaps that are especially formulated to extend the life of your tan.
  • Avoid using pore strips, bandages and exfoliants (until you’re ready to spray again).
  • Download info in a PDF by clicking here: Spray Tan Info for NAMTI Client


Keep Your Glow All Year ‘Round With A Sedona Spray Tan!